
5 years ago
Prose for Bernard Van Orley

With: Ubah Cristina Ali Farah, Myriam Leroy, Jeroen Olyslaegers, Vamba Sherif, Max Urai Authors draw inspiration from the work of Brussel...

6 years ago

6 years ago

Students and staff at Wageningen University are reading the Dutch and English versions of my novel about the founding of the first African republic, Liberia: Het land van de vaders or Land of my ... See more

6 years ago
On the same page: Interview & discussion with Vamba Sherif

Students of Wageningen University will be reading and discussing the Dutch and English versions of my novel, Land of my fathers, on the 18th of ... See more

On the same page is a campus-wide book club to promote thinking beyond science and generate discussion around a book and its theme.

6 years ago
On the same page: Interview & discussion with Vamba Sherif

Students of Wageningen University will be reading and discussing the Dutch and English versions of my novel, Land of my fathers, on the 18th of ... See more

On the same page is a campus-wide book club to promote thinking beyond science and generate discussion around a book and its theme.

6 years ago
Interview: Liberian novelist Vamba Sherif talks about heritage, his love of film, and what's on the horizon

When we put Vamba Sherif's "Bound to Secrecy" on our list of African novels you need on your bookshelf, we knew it was a mystery about power and transparency. What we didn't know was that Vamba is ... See more

6 years ago
Marieke Rijneveld, Vamba Sherif en Hélène Christelle Munganyende - VPRO Boeken

Marieke Lucas Rijneveld vertelt over haar roman 'De avond is ongemak' waarin zij het schrijnende verhaal beschrijft van een religieus boerengezin dat wordt getroffen door de dood van een kind. ... See more

6 years ago
Zwarte schrijvers zijn klaar om af te rekenen met de witte canon

Wit overheerst in de Nederlandse literatuur. Maar nu is er 'Zwart', met verhalen van twintig Nederlandstalige schrijvers. Samenstellers Vamba Sherif en Ebissé Rouw leggen uit waarom dit boek er ... See more